Do you know who built the Uparkot fort in Junagadh and what is the secret?

Do you know who built the Uparkot fort in Junagadh and what is the secret?

➝ Uparkot fort is considered to be the oldest place in Saurashtra, Uparkot fort was built during the time of Chandragupta Maurya.  In the years 940 to 80, when King Graharipu of Chudasama rediscovered the fort and tried to get information about the fort, he cleared the entire forest of the fort, but no information was found, hence the name Grahapu Junagadh.  And he built many buildings in the fort.

Do you know who built the Uparkot fort in Junagadh and what is the secret?

➝  The king of Chudasama changed Navghan from his capital Vamanasthali to Junagadh and built a Navghan well in the fort.  Inside the fort, Adi Kadi Vav, Navghan Kuvo, Buddhist caves, Neelam and Manek Tof were built in Cairo of Tof Mishra and brought to Junagadh by sea.  Due to the large number of trees in the Uparkot fort, a large number of monkeys and peacocks can be seen here.

➝  The biggest attraction of Junagadh's historical heritage is Uparkot Fort.  Tourists coming to Junagadh do not go back without seeing the beauty of this fort.  The walls of this fort, built during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya, are 20 meters high.  The carvings on the walls and roof of the fort are still in safe condition.
Do you know who built the Uparkot fort in Junagadh and what is the secret?

➝  There is a lot to see in the historical things in Uparkot fort.  There are also Buddhist caves near the fort.  There are also small temples of Ganesha, Hanumanji and Goddess Shakti inside the fort.  Today, however, the castle looks very different from its original image.

➝  The Upparkot fort, about 2300 years old, was built by the great Mauryan ruler Chandragupta Maurya.  Many people also believe that this fort belongs to Lord Krishna and this fort was built by Yadav when he came to Dwarka.  This is a unique thing with the high walls of the fort and it is a deep moat with a wall 300 feet deep from the inside.

➝  It is said that crocodiles were raised in this trench.  It is built so that no one is harmed even if an enemy breaks through the wall.  The fort also has two wells which are made by cutting stones

 Why is it necessary to take a bath after the funeral?  Find out the religious and scientific reasons behind it

 ➝ Hinduism has some Sanat rules that apply to all types of people, such as scientists need two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen to make water, no matter where it is in the universe.  Similarly, our Sanatan Dharma also has some rules.  One of their rules is that it is very important to take a bath after the funeral.  So let us tell you about it in detail.
Why is it necessary to take a bath after the funeral?  Find out the religious and scientific reasons behind it

 ➝ What is needed is a bath immediately after the funeral and burial.  This question must have come to the minds of most people, so let us tell you what are the religious and scientific reasons for this tradition?

➝ The religious reason is that there is a constant burial at the cemetery so there is a kind of negative energy that harms a person with weak morale.  Women are more emotional than men, so they are not allowed to go to the cemetery.  According to the scriptures, even after the funeral, the subtle body of the dead soul remains there for a while, which according to its nature can also have a detrimental effect.
Why is it necessary to take a bath after the funeral?  Find out the religious and scientific reasons behind it

 ➝ According to scientific reasons, the environment becomes infected with microbes and infectious germs even before the funeral of a dead body.  In addition, the dead person also suffers from an infectious disease.  Due to which there is a possibility of any infectious disease affecting the people present there.  Bathing is done after the funeral from the assessment, bathing destroys the infectious germs.

➝ When a person stands in front of a burning cheetah, the negative energy of his body is lost, which is possible only in the cemetery because the energy of Mars and Saturn is very high in the cemetery, which also destroys the negative energy of our body.  Is.

 ➝ The sages were very learned and made a well in the cemetery and after the funeral, everyone bathed in it and got rid of the negative energy, so the scripture says, if you do not go to good deeds, nothing, but  Must go to the funeral.  Thus one must take a bath after the funeral, and only then begin another work

 Why are thsere white and yellow stripes on the roads?  Learn what it means

Why are thsere white and yellow stripes on the roads?  Learn what it means

 ⟶While walking on the road, you must have seen stripes drawn on it.  These stripes are yellow or white.  Sometimes they are in a straight line and sometimes in pieces.  If you think that these lines are drawn to divide the road in two, then you are absolutely right.  But these lines are not only drawn to divide the road in two, but it also has another meaning, knowing which you will also say that we did not know this.

Why are thsere white and yellow stripes on the roads?  Learn what it means

⟶ The white lines on the road mean, walk in the same line as you walk.  Don't go to the second line.  The broken white stripe on the road means, you can go from one side to the other, but with caution and show the indicator light to other vehicles.

⟶ If you see a straight yellow line on the road, understand that you can overtake other vehicles, but cannot cross the yellow line.  However, this means different things in different states.  For example, a yellow line on a road in Telangana means that you cannot stay in line and overtake another vehicle.
Why are thsere white and yellow stripes on the roads?  Learn what it means

⟶ These two straight yellow lines on the road mean, you walk in your own lane, don't cross the line and don't cross it.  If you see a yellow line on the road, but it is divided into pieces, understand that you can recognize the road, but with caution.

⟶ Sometimes you may have noticed that a straight yellow bar and a one-piece bar are the same with both.  This means that if you drive on a broken yellow line you can overtake, but if you drive on a straight yellow line you cannot overtake another vehicle

 Why are toothpaste tubes made of different colored strips?  Find out what it means

➝ We use toothpaste every day, but there is a lot of information about it that we don't even know about.  If you notice a tube of toothpaste, there are stripes of different colors on it.  Hardly anyone knows the meaning of these stripes, which are made of red, green, black, and blue.  So let us tell you about it.
Why are toothpaste tubes made of different colored strips?  Find out what it means

➝  It is said on social media that the blue bar on the tube of toothpaste means 'medicated toothpaste'.  The green bar means that it is completely natural.  The red bar means that the toothpaste is natural and chemical and the black bar means that it is completely chemical.

➝  That being said, black-striped toothpaste contains more chemicals, so it should not be used.  Similarly, red toothpaste contains chemical elements, but less chemicals than black toothpaste.  Doctors also recommend using only blue and green striped toothpaste.
Why are toothpaste tubes made of different colored strips?  Find out what it means

➝  Everything in the world is technically a chemical, according to a website called Scientific American.  All natural things also have one type of chemical.  In such a situation, there is no question of chemical or non-chemical products.

➝  Indeed, the various colored stripes made on toothpaste paste are meaningless to people.  Basically, it gives light sensors installed in color tube making machines to indicate what type and shape the tube is to be made of.  And only the light sensor can understand.

 If your hair is also turning white, do only this one remedy, so that your hair will become black and silky, know this remedy.

 ↦ Graying hair is a natural process with age.  Hair turns white as the production of melanin decreases with increasing age, which gives the hair color, the hair turns white with age.  However, graying hair before age is no less of a major problem.  Hormonal and environmental problems cause gray hair at an early age.  Although there is no specific reason for hair to turn white, there are some conditions that can be seen by adding to this problem.  These include genetic factors, hypothyroidism, protein deficiency, mineral deficiency, vitamin deficiency, vitiligo, stress, side effects of medications, and more.  Both women and men are facing this problem and they need to color their hair at a young age as it turns white.

 ↦   According to Myupture, in Ayurveda, hair loss, alopecia and graying of hair color is known as Palestia.  Which is considered alopecia and Palestia, meaning bile duct imbalance.  Let us tell you, bile helps maintain body temperature and controls appetite.  Imbalances can lead to gray hair, eye problems, fever, etc.

 Copper diet

  ↦  Lack of copper in the diet sometimes causes hair to turn white.  According to Ayurveda, a diet rich in copper is very good for white hair.  According to myopathy, copper plays an important role in the formation of melanin in the body.  In addition to skin color, melanin is also required for hair color.  Foods rich in copper include mushrooms, cashews, sesame, almonds, lentils, chickpeas, avocados, raisins, whole grains, beans, soybeans, green leafy vegetables, meat, etc.

 Bhrangraj is beneficial

 ↦  Bhrangraj helps in hair growth and makes hair black and silky.  This prevents the hair from turning white.  It also helps to keep the mind calm.  Massaging this also helps in sleep.

 Amla powder and coconut oil

 ↦  In a bowl take 2 teaspoons of amla powder and 3 teaspoons of coconut oil and heat it till the powder dissolves.  When the oil cools, apply it to the hair roots and massage.  Apply it to your hair at night.  Do this procedure two or three times a week.

 Mustard oil and castor oil

 ↦  Mix 1 teaspoon castor oil and 2 teaspoons mustard oil and heat for a few seconds and apply to hair roots.  The high amount of protein in castor oil prevents hair breakage and the zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium and selenium in mustard oil help to make hair silky.  Her hair stays black due to proper nutrition.

 Learn how to make a hand sanitizer at home to prevent corona virus How to make a hand sanitizer

➝ Coronavirus is spreading all over the world.  However, the Corona epidemic continues to plague the world today.  In this case it is very important to keep a social distance, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and strengthen your immune system until you get the right vaccine.  Due to the Corona epidemic, sanitizers have become an important part of our lives.  We use sanitizer to fight corona virus.  Fear of the people of Corona has led to an increase in the number of masks and hand sanitizers in medical stores.  As the demand for hand sanitizers increases, sanitizers are less available at the store.  In such a situation, people were searching on the internet to make sanitizer at home.  In the year 2020, people searched the internet for home sanitizers.

➝  In fact, due to the demand for hand sanitizers in most medical stores, hand sanitizers ran out and those who were left were selling them at higher prices.  At the same time, the World Health Organization (WHO) made it clear that sanitizers, which contain 60 percent alcohol, are able to protect against the virus.  If you are having any problem with the hand sanitizer available in the market or if you are unable to get it available at the medical store, you can also make it at home.  Let us tell you how to make a hand sanitizer at home.

 How to make a sanitizer at home: -

 ➝ Mix 2/3 cup isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol and 1/3 cup aloe vera gel in a bowl.  You can also use vodka if you do not have alcohol.  After this, mix 8 to 10 drops of essential oil like lavender or tea tree in this mixture.  Now mix all these things well.  Now pour this mixture into a bottle and use as a hand sanitizer.

 ➝What precautions should be taken about sanitizers: -
 Covid-19 versus non-alcoholic products are not useful
➝Keep sanitizer away from children
➝ Ejection can have a toxic effect
➝ When buying a sanitizer, please check the company name and expiration date.
 Before buying a sanitizer, people should carefully read the instructions printed on it

 Here are some interesting facts about the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi

 ⇒ Our country is the Prime Minister of India who has been included in the list of powerful and important countries of the world.  Friends, you may know a lot about Prime Minister Narendra Modi and there are some things you may not know about.  Today we will tell you some interesting things about Narendra Modi

 ⇒ Narendra Modi was born on September 17, 1950 in Vadnagar, Gujarat to a middle class family.

 ⇒ His father's name was Damodardas Moolchand and mother's name was Hiraben.  Her parents had a total of six children.

  ⇒  Modi got his education from a school in Vadnagar.  He was interested in politics from an early age.  He then obtained a master's degree in political science from Gujarat University.

 ⇒  In his youth he used to run a tea stall with his brother.  He also served as a soldier at the railway station during the Indo-Pak war.

  ⇒ Narendra Modi is a vegetarian and a great speaker.  He is an introvert and a permanent workaholic.

 ⇒  He was a member of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad from his school days.  He was later nominated to the Bharatiya Janata Party.

 ⇒  Modi worked hard in the Bharatiya Janata Party and that is why he was sent to Delhi as the party's general secretary.  He was later made the national secretary of the BJP.

 ⇒  In 2001, Narendra Modi was elected as the Chief Minister of Gujarat.  He replaced Keshubhai Patel.

 ⇒ He resigned from the post of Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2002 due to political pressure.  But in the same year, he won the election by a landslide and became the Chief Minister of Gujarat again.

 ⇒ He then became the Chief Minister of Gujarat in the 2007 and 2012 elections.  He has a record of serving as the Chief Minister of Gujarat for 2063 days.

 ⇒  Modi is also very popular on social networking sites.  He was the first Indian politician to interact with Google Plus Netizens on August 31, 2012.

 ⇒  After the Congress, the BJP is the only party in the entire history of India to get an absolute majority in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.  Throughout its history, the BJP has achieved an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha under the leadership of Narendra Modi.

 ⇒  Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is just less than 5 hours asleep, he sleeps as late as he can at night but he wakes up every morning at 4 o'clock

 ⇒ Before doing any big work and on his birthday Modi takes the blessings of his mother Hiraben.

 ⇒  During the crisis period of 1976, Narendra Modi fought hard against Indira Gandhi, at that time his mentor was Jai Prakash Narayanji